For those of you that completed the previous challenge, #chubbsnomore, this is a follow-up to get you kick started for 2015. Many people set New Years Resolutions: to be healthier, eat better and to exercise more. This challenge has been created to assist with these goals and to allow these goals to make it past the first week of January.
This Clean Eating Challenge (#CEC) will take place over 8 weeks (2 whole months or 56 days), starting January 7, 2015 and concluding March 4, 2015.
To "buy in" to the challenge, you will pony up a minimum of $20 at the start of the challenge. We will track points based on nutrition and lifestyle throughout the challenge (through use of a Google Doc). A maximum of 8 points are available each day. Average 4 points per day to get 50% of your buy in money back. Average 6 points per day to get 100% of your buy in money back. The surrendered money will be divided up by the two individuals that accumulate the most points over the eight weeks.
Nutrition Points
0 – “Cheat Day”. The day you fall off the wagon but please don’t fall too hard. You consume junk food (cookies, pizza, fast food, donuts, etc) or if you consume more than two alcoholic drinks you automatically get zero points for the day.
1 – You remembered that you were supposed to eat well however just didn't quite get there. You made decent meal choices however not the best. You may have consumed a few snack foods containing simple carbs but did manage to minimize your sugar intake. No more than one alcoholic drink.
2 – You had a fairly successful day, you consumed no sugar and snacks were healthy options. You may have strayed from the plan just slightly (this may include eating later in the evening or not eating a well-balanced meal. No alcohol.
4 – “Clean Eating Day”. A day free of junk food, no processed sugar. Eating 4 to 5 meals per day. Making healthy meal choices. No alcohol, eating good fats.
Other Points
1 point – a minimum of 7 hours of sleep
1 point – completing a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise this can include but not limited to running, yoga, cycling, weight training, Pilates, CrossFit etc...
1 point – consuming your recommended water intake for the day
Body weight (pounds) divided by 2 = ounces of water you should consume per day (1 cup = 8 oz)
Example: 165 lbs / 2 = 82.5 ounces = 10.3 cups per day
1 point – completing the daily bonus which will be released daily on the blog
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