Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day One

And so it begins...

Today's goal is simple: I want you to set a goal for the next eight weeks. If able make this goal SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely), however, if that is not possible then feel free to set a personal goal. I want you to write the goal down and place it somewhere that you will see it everyday. 

Associated with this challenge is a Google Group and Google Doc, if you have not been granted access to these please email me at and I will send out the invite. 



  1. It's Deb!!
    Any coffee sweetner advise that fit into clean eating? Aside from a teaspoon of honey? Tips?
    Recipe swap anyone ..?

  2. Could you try using flavored coffee instead of adding sweetner? Like regular coffee with a scoop of hazelnut flavored coffee beans? Assuming this fits into clean eating..

  3. The best alternative that I have found is agave nectar. You don't need to add very much as it is several times sweeter than regular sugar. However my recommendation is to slowly decrease the amount that you add and over time you may not even need a sweetener any longer!

  4. Thoughts on peanut butter? Brands/ kinds?
